Keyword Browse

For The Greatest Opportunists of all: Celebrating 40 years of Job Kuijt’s

Select the Keywords to browse their abstracts. Select as many as you like.

Apodanthaceae (1 Abstract)
Balanophoraceae (1 Abstract)
Cassytha (1 Abstract)
comparative analysis (1 Abstract)
Cuscuta (1 Abstract)
Cyclocheilaceae (1 Abstract)
Cynomoriaceae (1 Abstract)
Cytinaceae (1 Abstract)
Epiparasite (1 Abstract)
evolution (1 Abstract)
genome reduction (1 Abstract)
Harveya (1 Abstract)
haustorium (1 Abstract)
hemiparasitic (1 Abstract)
holoparasite (1 Abstract)
holoparasitic (1 Abstract)
horizontal gene transfer (1 Abstract)
Hydnoraceae (1 Abstract)
Krameriaceae (1 Abstract)
Lennoaceae (1 Abstract)
Malpighiales (1 Abstract)
Melasma (1 Abstract)
Mitrastemonaceae (1 Abstract)
molecular evolution (2 Abstracts)
molecular phylogenetics (1 Abstract)
myco-heterotrophy (1 Abstract)
Orchid mycorrhiza (1 Abstract)
Orobanchaceae (5 Abstracts)
parasitic plant (2 Abstracts)
parasitic plants (2 Abstracts)
plastid genome (1 Abstract)
Rafflesiaceae (1 Abstract)
rbcL (1 Abstract)
rbcS (1 Abstract)
rubisco (1 Abstract)
Santalales (1 Abstract)
stable isotope (1 Abstract)
supermatrix (1 Abstract)
tropical (1 Abstract)